
Great hiring is vital to any organization... but the talent shortage seems to impact smaller employers even more than large. This podcast covers a proven approach for smaller HR teams & business owners to not just compete but to beat out the bigger employers in their industry & city. We will teach proven techniques to attract and select high-quality candidates for your job openings. 

90 Days of Sourcing: Use Marketing Basics to Recruit Qualified Applicants
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90 Days of Sourcing: Use Marketing Basics to Recruit Qualified Applicants

It's time to shift the paradigm of unemployment. To survive, or better yet thrive, in a hyper-competitive job market, you have to focus on what you DO have control over and stop focusing on what you don't. What you do have control over is your ability to attract the people who are either currently working, or at least eager and willing to. You have the power to attract qualified applicants through creative thinking. Constantly change and adjust your methods. Observe how different sourcing methods and company changes impact your qualified applicant flow. Utilize the weapons that fit your strengths.

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90 Days of Sourcing: 10 Best Practices That Are Hindering Your Qualified Applicant Flow
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90 Days of Sourcing: 10 Best Practices That Are Hindering Your Qualified Applicant Flow

A best practice is the agreed-upon way of doing things within an industry. Best practices are great in heavily regulated areas, like payroll and benefits, where the main goal is reducing risk and errors. Bigger companies can get away with using older best practices. They have the budget, resources, manpower, and brand recognition to make up for it. Smaller companies don't have the same resources, budget, team size, and brand recognition. If they hold to those best practices for too long... they fall behind. In today's episode, we will discuss ways that small companies can begin to innovate and evolve the hiring process.

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90 Days of Sourcing: Does Your Applicant Sourcing Measure Up?
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90 Days of Sourcing: Does Your Applicant Sourcing Measure Up?

A lot of employers seem to be struggling with the same idea... unemployment is low, the government is overpaying... which makes applicant flow is low. We aren't finding that as the case. My goal here is to set the stage for how you’re thinking through what the problem is, what the options are for solving it, and how to communicate that with your management team to ensure you’re all on the same page. In today's episode, I'll walk you through what you can do to make yourself stand out in a market full of job seekers.

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90 Days of Sourcing: Find Qualified Applicants in a Post Pandemic Job Market
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90 Days of Sourcing: Find Qualified Applicants in a Post Pandemic Job Market

As businesses are opening back up, most employers are allocating more budget to recruiting and sourcing applicants, which makes the entire job board ecosystem more competitive. Employers are seeing fewer applicants from their hiring efforts than they expected, so they just throw more money at the problem without actually changing at all. Job boards are changing. Your competitors are changing. And the desires of the job seekers are changing. In today's episode, we'll start walking you through a step-by-step plan on how to improve your sourcing.

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Recruiting Top Talent Starts With a Compelling Job Ad
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Recruiting Top Talent Starts With a Compelling Job Ad

It's been said that employees don't quit jobs, they quit managers. You can find proof of this pretty easily by looking up the negative reviews on Indeed or Glassdoor about your company and your competitors. Chances are, those reviews are going to be far more honest than any exit interview will be and they'll be focused on the company culture, management values, or the environment... rather than the job itself. In today's video, I'm going to walk you through how you can use this knowledge to your advantage and recruit amazing talent away from your competitors! Check it out.

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5 Simple Steps to a Flawless Screening Process
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5 Simple Steps to a Flawless Screening Process

A while ago, we were working towards hiring an executive assistant for our chief revenue officer -- Our team of expert job ad writers wrote an awesome job ad, got it posted across our top-performing sourcing channels, and within three weeks we received 117 applicants. However, once we started the sorting and ranking process, we weren't finding the type of applicants we were hoping to find at the top of our list. We were so focused on how many years of work experience each applicant had as an executive assistant... That we couldn't see deeper into the skills and experience performing specific tasks that we were looking for. You might be making the same kind of mistake with your screening process! Follow these 5 simple steps to ensure you're sorting, screening, and ranking applicants to reach the best candidates faster!

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What if Metrics Won’t Solve Your Hiring Problems?
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What if Metrics Won’t Solve Your Hiring Problems?

If what you're doing isn't working, then your data is just proof that it isn't working, right? Your goal as a hiring professional is to stand out from your competitors. Doing so requires out-of-the-box thinking and innovation. Most new, cool ideas won't be found in the data because they are things you've never tried before -- But, in retrospect, they make sense logically. In today's episode, I'll walk you through 5 steps to better tap into your intuitive problem solving, and ultimately a better hiring process.

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6 Tips to Reduce Getting Ghosted by Applicants
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6 Tips to Reduce Getting Ghosted by Applicants

Are you tired of wasting time and money on job seekers only to have them ghost your hiring process? In a study conducted by Indeed in 2019, they found 83% of companies recruiting for open positions reported being ghosted by candidates. In this podcast episode, Ryan goes over 6 tips to help reduce ghosting and get better quality applicants.

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It’s Time to Prepare and Build Up Your Hiring Momentum
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It’s Time to Prepare and Build Up Your Hiring Momentum

In this episode, we are going to talk about the vital steps you need to be taking as a company to make sure you are ready for when the economy starts to open back up more fully, and hiring will pick back up again. We’ll address how the world of hiring is different now because of changes of desires in job seekers, how there is a possibility you could be missing out on a bunch of qualified applicants that aren’t making it to the bottom of your funnel, and what you can do about it. And most importantly, we will talk about why it’s important to be thinking proactively about hiring now, instead of waiting until the moment you are ready to make a hire.

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Improve the Number of Times Your Job Appears in Search Results
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Improve the Number of Times Your Job Appears in Search Results

In this episode, we’re going to explore the first step of the sourcing funnel we talked about in our last episode. The first step of the funnel is the number of times your job appears in the search results. If you want to improve the number of times your job appears in search results, one of your options is paying money and posting to more job boards. While that’s a totally viable option, we can optimize the funnel so that we can increase the likelihood of someone progressing down the entire process without spending more. We give you specific tactics you can use to do this.

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Indeed Job Board Funnel - Ep 14
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Indeed Job Board Funnel - Ep 14

In today’s episode, we dive into a fascinating set of data from Indeed about metrics they track. We see how many applicants we’re missing out on. Spoiler: it’s a lot.

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Lenses - Evolution - Ep 13
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Lenses - Evolution - Ep 13

In today's episode, we talk about the final hiring success lens: evolution. We need to change our hiring process as the world constantly changes. We ask ourselves: "How we can change the process to become better 1% by today?"

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How to Recruit Your Competitor’s Talent - Ep 11
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How to Recruit Your Competitor’s Talent - Ep 11

For the last few years, we’ve been hearing over and over again how there’s a shortage of talent. Most people believe a shortage happens when the employment rate is low. But even in the COVID-19 crisis, with all the people who’ve been laid off, the stimulus from the government makes it so that you, the employers, are probably experiencing a huge shortage of qualified applicant flow.

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How a Lack of Transparency is Harming your Applicant Flow - Ep 10
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How a Lack of Transparency is Harming your Applicant Flow - Ep 10

While everybody has an opinion about what’s right and wrong (and the right answer is probably “It depends!”), the fact is that focusing this discussion around transparency regarding pay misses the greater mark of what HR can do to add more transparency in the process, or in the job ad, without disclosing pay.

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Special Guest: Chandler Bolt - Ep 9
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Special Guest: Chandler Bolt - Ep 9

In today's episode, we have a discussion with our special guest, Chandler Bolt, founder of the Self Publishing School. Chandler is the host of the Self Publishing School podcast & the author of 6 bestselling books including his most recent book titled “Published.”

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Lenses - Empathy - Ep 8
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Lenses - Empathy - Ep 8

In today's episode, we'll continue our investigation of hiring success lenses with our favorite: empathy. We'll learn about how empathy truly is your superpower as a smaller business.

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Job Ad Review - Appliance Repair looking for a Receptionist/Dispatcher
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Job Ad Review - Appliance Repair looking for a Receptionist/Dispatcher

Before we go too far... why don't we listen to a pretty normal employer complaint. Employers don't think there are qualified candidates out there for their jobs... they think its unemployment, generation issues, the economy, etc. Their evidence of this problem is simply this... they posted a job and the people who applied weren't very good!

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Lenses - Relationship - Ep 7
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Lenses - Relationship - Ep 7

In today's episode, we're going to continue looking through our hire hacker lenses: relationship. The hiring process is the start of a professional relationship between the company and the employee. Any relationship is like an emotional bank account that is funded by a series of deposits and withdraws. We'll learn what the deposits and withdraws are in the hiring process.

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Lenses - Balance - Ep 6
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Lenses - Balance - Ep 6

In today's episode, we'll learn about the hiring success lens: balance. We can find a balance between the needs of the job seeker and your needs as an employer. We'll talk about how we can find a win-win solution for both parties.

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