How a Lack of Transparency is Harming your Applicant Flow - Ep 10

While everybody has an opinion about what’s right and wrong (and the right answer is probably “It depends!”), the fact is that focusing this discussion around transparency regarding pay misses the greater mark of what HR can do to add more transparency in the process, or in the job ad, without disclosing pay.

In order to make a compelling case to job seekers for why they should want to apply to your job, it’s more than just about pay. You need to help them understand and be able to see themselves performing the job. This requires you to be able to describe the experience of what it’s like to work for you. A lot of employers fail to do this in two main ways. 

  1. They fail to do it early enough in the process, holding it back for the interview. While it does make a compelling case to close somebody to want the job, it doesn’t help attract awesome people to the job. 

  2. They fail to do it in a way that is transparent, authentic, and specific. We’re not just talking about pay here, we’re actually talking about everything else besides pay. 

This podcast walks through a very specific approach and examples of how to go about being more authentic, transparent, and specific in your job ad to help you attract more qualified candidates for your job.


How to Recruit Your Competitor’s Talent - Ep 11


Special Guest: Chandler Bolt - Ep 9