How to Hire in a Moment of Crisis
Our world is completely different today than it was just a few short weeks ago. While many companies are slowing down and putting a halt to their hiring processes, there are also many industries having to adjust to the overload of workloads. Hiring expert, Ryan Kohler instructs how to adjust hiring processes during a moment of crisis using tools and methods that allow companies to stand out against competitors and attract the exact candidates they are looking for in a time of need and urgency.
Learning objectives that will be covered:
Company leaders and executives learn how to prepare and develop a clear idea of who they are looking for and how to write up a job ad to attract those exact candidates.
Executives and HR leaders discover how to quickly adjust and rapidly screen candidates for both short term and long term positions while maintaining social distancing and low personal interaction. They’ll establish the right interview questions and assessments in order to hire quickly while still hiring the best qualified and fit candidates.
HR professionals are able to find security in knowing they made great hires.

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How do we avoid generating bias when our employees are bringing in applicants? This podcast will tell you just how to avoid bias and how we can share our success. The employees take the current job openings and throw them into the world. Find out how they do this and what benefit comes from the way we have it set up. Tune in to learn!
Employee referrals have so much power. A lot of employers offer compensation or make it some kind of competition in order to improve the number of employee referrals sent their way. This podcast goes into detail on how employees aren't recruiters but they are great resources for people looking for jobs and how they go about being a great spokesperson for the company. Tune in to find out what they are doing and how you can start implementing employee referrals as well.
Herd mentality has so much to do with sourcing the right applicants. Segment the market, commoditize, differentiate, maintain that profitability, and socialize. Making your offer different is going to make all the difference when it comes to drawing the right applicants in! This podcast will walk you through the steps of our to differentiate it from the others. Tune in and apply these ideas to your own model!
Employee referrals work! We did our very own case study... and honestly, I think you would be really intrigued to find out the results. This podcast goes into great depth as to how we started, what we changed, and how the flywheel had a huge part to play in all of this. Tune in for the breakdown and results of this process!
The most powerful and sustainable talent attraction engine for your organization is the employee referral flywheel. An effective employee referral program is something that will continually deliver high-quality hires and something that your team can constantly improve, optimize, and make changes to ensure it’s producing the best possible results. A healthy sustainable employee referral program is a predictor of the overall health of your culture. This podcast explains the importance of the employee referral flywheel and how it can immensely decrease bias and increase your company's success!
Let's get this breakdown started! This podcast will run you through each of the direct interest sources and help you make a roadmap for setting up a source. You will be able to get the initial momentum going to reach the point of inertia for that source. We have to expand our sourcing beyond just job boards. When we do that, we focus on what I call high power sources. Once we focus and optimize these sources, we can build flywheels that spin faster and feed themselves in the future. If we work together, we can find a constructive way to feed valuable people into each other's flywheels. You’ll find the greatest flywheel success when the recruiting and marketing teams work together.
Direct interest applicants are a great source for qualified, fit, eager candidates. You have to actively drive the flywheels in order to maximize the results from direct interest. People with direct interest are looking for you specifically because they know, like, and trust you. They like your products and services, or your brand, culture, and values. Tune in to learn the three-step process to maximize those results from direct internet sources. I'll give you a hint... Manage your buy-in, understand the flywheel, and finally... run around it multiple times! Listen to the podcast to hear Ryan Kohler dive into the real details of it all.
There are many powerful ways to use social media for recruiting. Use Facebook to attract your fans and followers! While Facebook groups generally don't cost any money to post to... they do require your time, attention, and creative effort if you want to maximize your results. This is yet another reason to use a flywheel. Add that fuel and remove and reduce the friction! Tune in to learn the 5 steps to building that successful social media flywheel!
Sometimes it feels like getting the right applicants is just out of our control or that the only way to increase our applicant flow is to throw money at it. If you feel that way, Ryan Kohler has a solution for you! It's all about a power source, which is a way to generate applicants and focus on engaging people who have the highest potential to be hired. Tune in to learn about the different flywheels and sources that will help you obtain the highest quality applicants out there!
Sometimes it's time to switch it up, like... adding a different type of sourcing power into your recruiting mix. As we have learned, when it comes to sourcing applicants, it's just marketing. We start with the low-hanging fruit and then move up the tree! Once we have moved up, we have to find a way to the very top, that last rung. Listen in and hear how Ryan Kohler breaks it all down. From the sourcing issues to new sourcing ideas, and then ending with a solution for any company!